Friday, March 28, 2014

life sure moves AHEAD

God! hello there, it's been forever. Lets see...around 3 years!
well time surely flies by, so much change has occurred and now reading things back has put smiles and tears to my face. The things and details I was blogging about were "Cute" in a way, I'm reading things with a different state of mind, a more mature and grown one, but I can still say aww that's so me..which sounds crazy but yeah that's me ;)
I was thinking about starting a beauty related blog that features DUIs and all things helpful..blablabla
but i'm not that dedicated to blogging..hmm...ok idk. bye now

Friday, February 24, 2012

Just a little messege

I hardly ever blog, sometimes or most of the times I feel like I shouldn't do this anymore....
I feel like what's the point? no one wants to hear about my boring pathetic life, and frankly no one should, no even me....the fact that I'm going through so much pain is enough as it is, I don't need to keep reminding myself or others what I'm going through. Yet this is the only way I feel better, when I let it all out somewhere, anywhere,to anybody! even if I know I'm completely fooling myself, my thoughts and feelings just have to be expressed in any shape or form. I think it's normal human nature that we all want our stories to be heard, especially if one is very introverted, lonely, usually sad and depressed. But that's not the only reason I blog, I blog because I feel I have a strong opinion about certain things, things that not many will point out, or not many have thought about thinking of, because we as unique beings have intellectual minds that think in unique ways, even I though I know that so far I have only been complaining and ranting on and on about my life, I will soon change that into something positive, converting my negative feelings into rational thoughts so that no one is bothered and all is good.

Monday, February 6, 2012


Dear Blog, I feel sad today, I feel worthless.....
I feel so alone =(
why do I exist??

P.S yeah this is not possitivity I know

Thursday, January 26, 2012

New Blog for a fresh new start

Now that I realize how sucky my life is, it's time for a CHANGE !! and a fresh new start with baby steps is a good approach towards making that change happen, a fresh new blog with less complaints is a good start (hopefully) ... I will try to keep myself in track through blogging more often and I'll try my best to explain myself more clearly avoiding embarassing English mistakes (my English really frustrates me) , hopefully something positive will come out as a result =)